Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Apartment on a Budget

By Guions Showcase 

Furnishing your apartment on a budget:
Furnishing an apartment can be difficult due to several constraints. Apart from size, budget and lease constraints (if it is a rental) are at the top of the list. Nonetheless, there are always ways to work around such restrictions. Let’s examine how you can wiggle your way around them.
1)      First and foremost, using multifunctional furniture will be extremely beneficial in the sense that you will make the most of a small space. That way, a single piece of furniture can serve several functions, and loosen the leash on the tight budget. An ottoman is the perfect example – it can serve as a storage piece, while it can also be used as extra seating for guests or replace acoffeetable! Here are some other neat ideas to help you save space and to pick pieces that can fulfill many purposes:
  • Sleepersofa: it can serve to seat your visitors, and as a guest bed in case a friend or family member spends the night
  • Diningtable: while its first obvious use is for dining, it can also be a useful workstation if every square foot counts.
2)      Another useful tip is to furnish your apartment with smaller scaled furniture. Despite being smaller than other furniture, purchasing smaller furniture will still look just as stylish and perform the same functions! Besides, furnishing a small apartment with large furniture will make it seem even smaller. Believe it or not, many manufacturers come out with pieces in several sizes, in order to accommodate different markets. For instances, you can find smaller living room and dining roomfurniture scaled to fit smaller spaces.
3)      Finally, shape matters too. Narrow and rectangular shapes are preferable and tend to be quite useful in a small apartment. A narrow sofa and coffee table will give the impression that your living room is more airy and not so cluttered. The same goes for the dining area.
It is clear that multipurpose, smaller scaled furniture and shape are all important factors which contribute to maximizing a small space. Now you can go ahead and furnish your apartment with strategy!

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