Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Ideas for Valentine’s Day!

By Guions Showcase 

Valentine’s Day is coming… This could be the worst day if you are one of those who have been desperately looking for a soulmate or can’t stand to be alone. Well, if you haven’t found a soulmate to take you out for a romantic dinner and don’t know how to spend it, here are some great suggestions! In a couple or as a single, it’s doesn’t matter; Valentine’s Day should be the day to show the most of your love. We can start by showing love to someone around us (family, friends, pets…). This year, Valentine’s Day falls on a weekend, so you shouldn’t run out of time and wind up organizing something at the last minute. Here are some original ideas to show your love:

Host a brunch! Invite all your beloved ones- family and/or friends to share the first meal of the day. It is always easier to organize a last-minute brunch- no need to cook a huge variety of dishes, that way you save time on grocery shopping. Besides, most of the time you already have the majority of the ingredients at hand in your home (coffee, tea, eggs, flour, tomato, bacon and bread!)

Our special, for ladies ….Take time to pamper the ones that carried you before you were walking- your Feet! Organize a pedicure or spa afternoon with your friends. On the agenda, you can expect: a relaxing moment, some pedicure/foot massage with almond oil and lots of laughs.

Activities with Kids. Bake cookies that they can share with their friends. Kids would love to decorate their cookies; a funny moment guaranteed!

End your day festively! Host a cocktail party at home with some friends. While drinking alcohol, don’t forget that you will be working the day after so drink moderately!

There are plenty other ways to celebrate love on Valentine’s Day…yet, you should try to extend them to the rest of year not only on the 14th. Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Content provided by: @tailbase

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