Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Back To School Organizing Tips

by Guion's Showcase

Back-to-school is for many of us synonym of supplies, lunch, home works, mess and lunch again! When this time of the year is coming, we start to stress, to be tense and we are trying to be organized (which is not that easy sometimes!). Here are some organizing tips to help everyone being more relaxed at the back-to-school:

Make a space for children’s backpacks
In the lobby or anywhere else, take time to make an exclusive space to put the backpacks when child come back from school. It could be a storage bench, a wall shelf with hooks, a big basket or a large storage box.

Create a study area
To facilitate the productivity and reduce the homework time a study area is a must. Ideally, it should be a quiet place without any source of distraction like TV, video games, tablets, cell phone or any toy. The room could be filled with bookcases, a bench and/or chair, a work desk and maybe comfortable furniture where to read and study like a small sofa or a recliner.

Prepare in advance
To save time and avoid stress in the morning, preparing in advance is a good thing! The day before or even during the week-end, we can prepare lunches, sport clothes and organize backpacks for the upcoming week.

Choose outfits the night before
If we are still lacking time in the morning, choosing the outfits the night before could make the difference!

Content provided by: +Tailbase 

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