Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Balance Your Home Decor With Vases!

by Guion's Showcase

Sometimes we look at a room in the house and we think: “something is missing here! There are too many blank spaces.” A good way to resolve this feeling is to add some accent décorvases can do a great job! Here are some tips on how to match vases to your homedécor:

For a big space, like in a corner of the living room, using a single big vase is trendy. Add some faux flowers and/or long branches to personalize it!

If you have many medium or small vases and they have a similar look, they will make a bigger impact and seem more important if you keep them in the same area.

For a vintage look, add off-white or beige vases.

To add some punch to a room, colorful ones will do the trick!

Content provided by: +Tailbase 

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